The manifested goal of imb - The Dental Studio is to provide a premium, state-of-the-art investigation, treatment and patient monitoring medical system.
By means of true care, warmth and professionalism of our doctors, as well as by modern ambiance, architecture and unique design of our clinic, we create a state of relaxation and well-being for our patients.
We believe that, by continuous innovation, we succeed to grow and permanently refine our services, aiming to be the best on the market, each and every time
© Copyright 2010 imb - The Dental Studio
Design by: vikcocian.com
Implantologie - implanturi dentare | Cosmetica si estetica dentara | Chirurgie orala | Ortodontie - aparate dentare | Parodontologie
Protetica | Endodontie | Odontoterapie - terapia cariilor | Pedodontie - Sigilarea santurilor si fosetelor | Radiologie digitala si Videodiagnostic Consultatie dentara
Protetica | Endodontie | Odontoterapie - terapia cariilor | Pedodontie - Sigilarea santurilor si fosetelor | Radiologie digitala si Videodiagnostic Consultatie dentara